How We Can Help Boost Tree Cover in the UK by 50% by 2045

Tree canopy

The more mature trees there are in the UK, the cleaner the air and more happiness will be brought to us. Over the past few centuries, the forests throughout the UK have been chopped down and currently, only 13% of the country is covered by woodland – less than half the European average. So how come they’re continuously being cut down and what can we do to boost the tree cover by 50% by 2045? Read this week’s blog to find out.

Why Do We Need to Double Our Tree Cover?

First and foremost, if we double our tree cover, we can help stop climate chaos and restore the abundance of nature, which is needed to store carbon. Also, doing so could bring annual carbon sequestration equal to around 10% of the UK’s current greenhouse gas emissions.

Local Councils

Local communities can easily demand from their local councils to play a more vital role in doubling the tree cover in your area. You can ask your local councillors to plant more trees in the big stretches of land they own. This is only a small step but has a big impact on tackling the ecological and climate crisis.

Where Is Best to Plant More Trees?

Statistics show that 70% of the UK is farmland and in order to double the tree cover in the country, we might have to convert some portion of that farmland into woodland. Of course, the aim of this isn’t to decrease food production in the UK especially if trees are planted in lands that are more valuable for growing food crops for direct human consumption. The best medium would be agroforestry, the planting of trees alongside crops, which will both increase tree cover and support sustainable farming.

Public Benefit

Many of the people living in bigger towns and cities feel disconnected from nature since many of the areas are surrounded by brick and concrete. Planting more trees in urban areas and creating more parks promises plenty of benefits, including the provision of shade, countering air pollution and boosting people’s physical and mental wellbeing. Not only would it be beneficial in urban spaces but also in the outskirts of said towns and cities.

Protecting Local Forestry

Existing trees in towns and cities are under constant pressure and threat to be cut down because of development. There are several things we can do to protect them. This includes a Tree Preservation Order, which will secure the protection of the group of trees that are healthy in your local area. With this order, they won’t be threatened with removal and it will be made illegal to cut down, top, lop, uproot and willfully damage the protected areas. Another way to protect existing trees is to join the Tree Warden scheme, which gathers volunteers with plenty of enthusiasm to conserve and enhance the woodlands in local communities.

Trees make a garden feel like a garden. Need some garden design advice? Call our team today on 0333 202 1955.

Jodie Fedorko

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Jodie Fedorko

Jodie Fedorko is a distinguished garden designer and horticulturist based in the United Kingdom. She gained national recognition in 2015 when, at the age of 21, she became the youngest designer to receive a Silver Medal at the RHS Chelsea Flower Show for her creation, "The Old Forge," an Artisan Garden for the Motor Neurone Disease Association.

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