Month by Month – June Garden Checklist


As a keen gardener, there are lots for you to be getting on with in and around the garden in June. Below is a checklist for you to follow to keep your garden in tip-top shape through the summer.

In the flower garden –

  • Lift and store away any bulbs that have already flowered
  • Cane/stake your tall perennials for extra support. Help prevent wind damage (remember to add soft tips to the tops for safety)
  • Cut back your spring-flowering perennials to encourage fresh foliage
  • Add liquid feed to your containers, tubs and hanging baskets every few weeks to keep them healthy all through the summer
  • Fill gaps in borders and flower beds, with spots of tall bulbs to add extra colour
  • Deadhead your blooms to encourage new growth
  • In the fruit and vegetable garden – Some fruit trees may start to shed some fruit now (the June drop). Start to thin out the fuller branches to help encourage bigger and better fruits.
  • Protect fruit that’s starting to develop from squirrels and birds using netting
  • Water your fruit and vegetable containers often, especially during dry sunny weather
  • Go on a snail hunt, especially during the damper evenings. Help to reduce the amount that can wreak havoc in your garden
  • Water your beans and peas as they start to flower
  • Apply tomato feed to fruiting vegetable crops

Summer Hanging Basket

In the garden greenhouse –

  • Move houseplants outside for the summer to a warm and sheltered spot so they can enjoy the extra light and fresh air
  • Harden off summer bedding plants and hanging baskets
  • Water your plants daily, in the morning or early evening, and avoid getting water on the foliage
  • Increase the number of shaded areas and ventilation as the temperature warms up
  • Vine weevil larvae start to get active this month. Treat pots if this pest has bothered you in the past
  • Take leaf cuttings from houseplants and encourage them to root

Garden Conservatory

General garden maintenance –

  • Check hedges and shrubs for nesting birds before you start to trim or prune them. Clip back any evergreen hedges
  • Turn the compost in your bins once per month, to help keep it aerated
  • Keep the bird bath topped up in the warmer weather
  • Dig out perennial weeds as soon as you start to spot them
  • Feed your lawns with a liquid fertiliser
  • Plant floating pond plants now as the water starts to warm up

Get these jobs – plus any more you have pressing – completed as soon as you can. You can spend more time enjoying the fruits of your labour…

And looking on in contentment at the wonders of your back garden.

Get started on creating your dream garden. Book a free call-back consultation with Claire Withers. Claire is an experienced garden design consultant. She often knows what clients need before they do. She listens–with an ear to hear what you are saying and some of what you are not.

Jodie Fedorko

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Jodie Fedorko

Jodie Fedorko is a distinguished garden designer and horticulturist based in the United Kingdom. She gained national recognition in 2015 when, at the age of 21, she became the youngest designer to receive a Silver Medal at the RHS Chelsea Flower Show for her creation, "The Old Forge," an Artisan Garden for the Motor Neurone Disease Association.

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